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Who We've Supported

Centre Volunteers in Medicine
State College Food Bank
Doctors Without Borders
Symphonik Ecole, Port au Prince, Haiti
Escuela de Esperanza, Jocotenango, Guatemala
Construyendo Sonrisas, Mérida, México
Casa Hogar Juan Pablo II, Lurin, Perú
Mission Basilica, San Diego Food Bank efforts
Minneapolis Downtown Congregations to End Homelessness
Orlando, Fl Freedom High School Flutists
One Common Unity, Washington, DC
Salt Lake City 4th Street Clinic
Resilience, Chicago, IL
Phoenix Children´s Museum
Schlow Public Library, State College, PA
The National Flute Association
Festivales Internacionales de Flautistas en el Centro del Mundo, Quito and Loja, Ecuador
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